
So that everything grows and flourishes.

The daily chores within plant nurseries, greenhouses, or tree nurseries are significantly eased by the incorporation of Wiseman machines. The efficient utilization of land with confined pathways poses a unique obstacle. Numerous tasks that would typically require manual labor or the assistance of a wheelbarrow or dolly can now be accomplished efficiently with our compact machinery.

Choosing the right working machine for purchase boils down to making informed decisions. For many years, Wiseman machines have been triumphantly utilized as versatile tools in plant nurseries and greenhouses. Here, the compact size and minimal turning radii of our machines are paramount in ensuring their effectiveness.

Optimal work ergonomics.

As the Wiseman machines continue to advance, the emphasis on workplace ergonomics becomes paramount – featuring ample overhead protection and/or cabins boasting exceptional 360-degree visibility, alongside control components that are readily accessible to varying operators and inherently intuitive. Inside these cabins, the working environment is superb, owing to an efficient heating and ventilation system that ensures optimal comfort. In instances where external temperatures soar, we advocate for the integration of an air-conditioning system to maintain a pleasant working atmosphere. farm.

Tasks and applications in the plant nursery

Discover the options with some examples.

Cultivating seedlings

Whether it is planting or harvesting – you can complete tasks with excellence in any season with the mechanical support of a Wisemann. A large selection of appropriate attachments, like pallet forks, buckets, ground planers, or transport containers, is available to you.

Moving plant pots

Traditional spring and fall applications are perfectly supported with the right Wisemann machine with a good view of the load and our large selection of pallet forks. It is even possible to hydraulically adjust the prongs. A special pot grapple is likewise available in our attachment program. 

Attachment operation

Wisemann machines can pull a trailer with the optional trailer coupling (depending on the model there are different systems available). This extends the machine’s spectrum of application and offers more flexibility, as no additional towing vehicle is required.

Green waste procedure

You can safely process the shrub and tree waste without any residue with the box-rotating unit with the appropriate waste container. With the small, compact Wisemann machines, you can even open up areas that can only be reached via narrow trails.

Mobile working

Simply drive to your customer’s: The smaller series can be transported on a trailer so that you can go about your tasks at different sites, like park facilities and gardens, cemeteries or the inner city without any problem.


Wisemann machines can be equipped with diverse sweeping machines, high-pressure cleaners, and brushes to remove dirt of any kind. Weeds can be mechanically removed with the weed broom. This is how you always keep your site and your working environment clean during application on site.
